Panchakarma - පන්චකර්ම

What is Panchakarma?

The treatments consist of five different natural ways, or "Panchakarma" viz.
1. Nasya
2. Vaman
3. Virechana
4. Vasthi and
5. Raktha Moksha
Panchakarma Treatments Sri Lanka
Which eliminate all the toxic elements from the body and mind. This medical system emphasizes the holistic approach where the whole person body, mind and soul should be considered and not just the affected part.
Ayurveda is based on "Panchabhutha" and "Tridosha" theories. This unique living system considers that a human being is a balanced composition of body, mind and soul. Life styles which are based on the true principles of Ayurveda will resist diseases, arrest premature ageing and retain youthfulness for a long time.

Benefits of Panchakarma Treatments

  • Eliminate toxins and toxic conditions from your body and mind
  • Promotes ultimate wellness by building immunity, thus you become more resistent to illness.
  • Reverse the negative effects of stress on your body and mind thereby slowing the aging process.
  • Prevents disease process and corrects imbalance.
  • Provides deeply needed rest & relaxation
  • Offers mental clarity and increased concentration. Enhance your self-reliance, strength, energy and vitality.
  • Deepens self awareness & spirituality
  • Clears emotional stagnation and allows you to experience inner joy
  • Helps develop a consistent daily routine that includes yoga, meditation, and self-care Bring Sense of well-being.

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